If you meet the guidelines of grab and go delivery, please text or call Kim Panzer. 620-640-4420. Thank you.
about 4 years ago, Kim Panzer
Grab and go delivery is intended for the following scenarios: *If your family is quarantined. If that's the case, we will leave the meal and milk on your porch and knock on your door to let you know we have done so. *If your child(ren) is home alone during the day and you don't feel comfortable to have them walk to the school because they are crossing major highways. *You have limited vehicle access and your children cannot walk to the school because of crossing major highways. Grab and go breakfast and lunch meals are free to anyone under 18 years of age. We will continue this until further notice.
about 4 years ago, Kim Panzer
Spring Sports Picture Info
about 4 years ago, Nate Schmitt
Information from today’s KSHSAA 3A-2A Principal & AD meeting. 1. Take online/continuous learning courses seriously as there is no change planned in how eligibility is determined for fall athletes. 2. Not only are buildings closed, but no equipment should be taken and used for private workouts, etc. 3. As of now, summer camps/workouts have NOT been cancelled. We will know more after the May 31st date set by the governor.
about 4 years ago, Nate Schmitt
Pioneer Communications is offering FREE service to K12 students and College students who doesn’t currently have service through Pioneer through May 31st. If you are in need of service, please reach out to them. If you are still unable to obtain service, please reach out to Trevor.leeper@usd215.org and we will do our best to find a way for you to receive internet.
about 4 years ago, Trevor Leeper
All KSHSAA Spring Sports / Activities Cancelled
about 4 years ago, Nate Schmitt
Regarding Spring Pictures from Lifetouch: At this time all shipping is on hold from going to the schools. Everything will be shipped here to our office. At this time we are trying to figure out how to get the picture to the schools with everything going on with COVID-19. There is also a delay in the lab because of the same issue.
about 4 years ago, Holly Meyers
Apples App Store has compiled a list of Apps to keep your children learning while at home! The link below should take you right to them if you are on an iPhone, iPad, or MacOS device! http://apps.apple.com/story/id1502655717
about 4 years ago, Trevor Leeper
Please see the latest information after the Governor's announcement today. We will continue to publish plans moving forward with "Continuous Learning" by KSDE guidance as school closure does not mean that learning is going to stop for our students for the remainder of the year.
about 4 years ago, Larry Lyder
3-17-2020 Update
Hello to our USD 215 families from Mrs. Meyers, one of the counselors at USD 215. I wanted to let you know that my counseling services are still available even though we are not in school. If you need someone to talk to about these uncertain times we are in and/or anything else, please let me know through email. It's very important to maintain mental health, as well as physical health right now. My email address is holly.meyers@usd215.org. I can also be contacted by phone, please email me for that information. Please stay healthy and safe during this time.
about 4 years ago, Holly Meyers
Please read the following letter issued by the State of Kansas and contact the Kearny County Health Department at (620)355-6342 if any of this information applies to you or someone in your household.
about 4 years ago, Larry Lyder
KDHE Spanish
Lakin USD 215 will be serving a grab & go breakfast (7-9) and lunch (11-1) free of charge to anyone under 18 starting on Tuesday while school is not in session due to COVID-19. There will be a pickup spot outside the cafeteria entrance at the grade school to pickup the meals.
about 4 years ago, Larry Lyder
No spring sports or activities next week. Any and all activities have been cancelled.
about 4 years ago, Nate Schmitt
Lakin USD #215 will be closed for the week of March 16-20 as we are following the STRONG RECOMMENDATION from KSDE that all schools in Kansas close due to the COVID-19. This recommendation came to us around 4pm this afternoon. Enjoy an extended spring break and stay healthy.
about 4 years ago, Larry Lyder
Please find attached the current update for March 15 regarding guidance and steps for the COVID-19 virus. Continue to monitor our social media posts for future updates.
about 4 years ago, Larry Lyder
3-15 update
3-15 update spanish
COVID-19 Update--Please see the attached letter and continue to watch for updates as things can change in a moment as more information becomes available. Thank you for your patience as we make the best decisions possible with the information at hand.
about 4 years ago, Larry Lyder
KSHSAA Spring Sports Information
about 4 years ago, Nate Schmitt
about 4 years ago, Nate Schmitt
about 4 years ago, Nate Schmitt
Who: 7-12 graders and parents What: Spring Sports Player / Parent Meeting When: March 17th at 6:00 PM Where: MS Commons Why: Lots of important information about the upcoming season will be covered
about 4 years ago, Nate Schmitt